Archive for September, 2014

Some Q&As Regarding the Program

Monday, September 22nd, 2014
  1. Who are involved in India and how will you pre-screen?

    >> Several rural schools and their branches are participating in our scholarship program

  2. How will you fund the musicians the “Award Money”?

    >> Through monthly disbursement by Trustee or escrow accounts with a maximum limit/month

  3. What’s the “overhead”?

    >> All the board members and advisers are volunteers (zero overhead) and we have “zero” budget for publicity

    >> 100% of the funds will be spent on scholarships and in auditions.

  4. How do you monitor progress and make sure the money is not getting wasted?

    >> Impossible to guarantee that 100% of a scholarship is spent on musical pursuits because family poverty can trump at times

    >> We will work with the schools to monitor and check progress and expenses quarterly