Mita Kundu and Sargam Foundation

Over the last two decades, Mrs. Mita Kundu, founding president of Sargam Foundation, has performed in most cities in North American and in West Bengal,  India. During those years she met with hundreds of young talented musicians who were struggling to pursue their musical aspirations because of a lack of funds. Mrs. Kundu and her family and friends extended support to help those musicians but there was not much of a lasting effect.


In 2010 Mrs. Mita Kundu, organized a diversified cultural program to commemorate Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th birthday, where more than seventy (70) local Indian and American musicians participated. With that success Mita started working on to set up Sargam Foundation in 2012.

Finally on July 22nd, 2013 Sargam Foundation got IRS approval as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization.


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